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    Your Member Account

    🔴 Download the RA UXP Panels Quick Start Guide.


    Having Trouble Activating Your UXP Panel in Photoshop?

    Quick License Activations reset here

    Your Member Account

    🔴 Download the RA UXP Panels Quick Start Guide.

    The RA Panels installation files are to be installed via Adobe Creative Cloud on a computer following these installation instructions.


    Having Trouble Activating Your UXP Panel in Photoshop?

    Quick License Activations reset here

    We Have Upgraded Our System to Serve You Better

    Find the instructions below to reinstate your purchases, if needed

    Reinstate & Upgrade Your Panels

    We Have Upgraded Our System
    To Serve You Better


    If you had purchased your Beauty Retouch panel license before 2020, please reinstate your purchase on our new platform following the instructions provided below.


    Upgrade your Legacy (non-UXP) panels to the newer UXP version, compatible with M-chip Apple and other computers where Adobe removed access to Extensions. Why upgrade?


    If you already upgraded or purchased our Beauty Retouch UXP panel, please reinstate your purchase on our new platform following the instructions provided below.

    Please reach out to our designated Support Team if you need any help 🤍

    Reinstate & Upgrade
    Your Panels

    We Have Upgraded Our System
    To Serve You Better


    If you had purchased your Beauty Retouch panel license before 2020, please reinstate your purchase on our new platform following the instructions provided below.


    Upgrade your Legacy (non-UXP) panels to the newer UXP version, compatible with M-chip Apple and other computers where Adobe removed access to Extensions. Why upgrade?


    If you already upgraded or purchased our Beauty Retouch UXP panel, please reinstate your purchase on our new platform following the instructions provided below.

    Please reach out to our designated Support Team if you need any help 🤍

    Your Retouching Education

    Learn Smarter, Faster & Better Pro Retouching

    Beauty Retouch Panel Training

    For Beauty Retouch Panel Users (FREE)

    Photoshop Basics Course

    For MUA Retouch Panel Users (FREE)

    Premium RA Courses

    Exclusive Discounts for all RA Panels’ Users

    Your Retouching Education

    Learn Smarter, Faster & Better Pro Retouching

    Beauty Retouch Panel Training

    For Beauty Retouch Panel Users (FREE)

    Photoshop Basics Course

    For MUA Retouch Panel Users (FREE)

    Premium RA Courses

    Exclusive Discounts for all RA Panels’ Users

    Grace Your Workspace With New UI Options

    Studies suggest that refreshing digital environment can contribute to a positive emotional response, reduce mental fatigue, stimulate users’ cognitive performance, impact user experience, mood, and, as a result, productivity ✍️

    Important! These UI add-ons are for the UXP version of the RA Panels only, please upgrade if you only have an old (non-UXP) RA Panel in your account

    For Beauty Retouch UXP Panel Only

    New UI Options For Your Workspace

    For MUA Retouch UXP Panel Only

    New UI Options For Your Workspace

    Basic | UI Add-On


    Black Magnet | UI Add-On


    Basic | UI Add-On


    Peaches & Cream | UI Add-On


    Learn more about Additional UI Options here

    Grace Your Workspace
    With New UI Options

    Studies suggest that refreshing digital environment can contribute to a positive emotional response, reduce mental fatigue, stimulate users’ cognitive performance, impact user experience, mood, and, as a result, productivity ✍️

    Important! These UI add-ons are for the UXP version of the RA Panels only, please upgrade if you only have an old (non-UXP) RA Panel in your account

    For Beauty Retouch UXP Panel Only

    New UI Options For Your Workspace

    Basic | UI Add-On


    Black Magnet | UI Add-On


    For MUA Retouch UXP Panel Only

    New UI Options For Your Workspace

    Basic | UI Add-On


    Peaches & Cream | UI Add-On
